Sunday, April 10, 2011

Talent Show '11

Now you may think, "What in the world?! Hailee was in a talent show?!" I know, I know its kinda of a new thing for me but I'm enjoying it! :D Now that we got that cleared up lets get down to the bone. Last month WMS had a talent show and I decided to show off my rockin' piano skills (THATS a joke!). So I decided to write an accompaniment for Needtobreathe's "Through Smoke". It took me about 4 weeks of non-stop playing to perfect the piece. Anyway, I went to auditions and set up my keyboard. Then the music started and my hands started shaking like nobody's business. But I made it through it and apparently Mrs. Vernon (Math teacher/ Judge) cried a little. It kinda scared me to tell ya the truth! Anyway, I got in the show and finally it was time to preform. We had a about an hour to kill before showtime so I decided to get comfortable with the stage. I sat down at the Grand and played a little improv. for a while. Then I walked around and sang to myself. Then I started gettin ancy. People started showing up. I went backstage and paced. I kept telling myself, "You kiddin' me? These people aren't gonna listen to you anyway! They like rap and hip-hop! This song is about as far away from rap as you can get." Then they called my name. The lights were hot. And the strange thing was that when I sat down and my hands touched the keys, every single person in that PAC faded away and it was just me and my music. So, Glory Hallejuah, I kept playing and wailing and believe it or not, A WHOLE ROW OF PEOPLE STOOD UP AND CLAPPED ON BEAT!Anyway, afterwards I was still pumped. So, I guess now I know, for sure, what I'm soupposed to do with my life, at least I hope so. I really loved it and enjoyed it so...Thats what I'll do until I can't no more! :D The video down there is my preformance! Enjoy!


                                                                                     -Hailee A.;)

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