Sunday, April 24, 2011

Anne Frank and Me (Soon to Be) Presented by WMS Drama

Is it weird that I have been beginning each new post with a FF (Fun Fact) about me? Well, whatever the answer, heres another FF for ya, I am in Drama class and I'm loving it! I mean, whats NOT to love, right? You get to pretend with your friends and no one makes fun of you, You get to dress up, You also get to do all kinds of coolieo behind the scenes fun stuff! :D Well, our class has been working on a play called, "Anne Frank and Me". The basis of the play is that a modern-day girl, Nicole Burns (portrayed by Emma Wilson), gets hit by a car and goes back in time to meet Anne Frank (portrayed by Tara Pedro) and live in 1942. So far, its going pretty well! We have all the parts cast, scenes (mostly) down pat, and costuming pretty muchly wrapped up! Now, I've never been in an "offical" Wagoner Middle School Drama play, but I think I'll love it! At least I hope so! :D If your 'round town, or even if your not, you should come by the Wagoner PAC about 6:00 on April 29th and watch us preform! I'll be playin the character of Suzanne, so watch for me! ;) (P.S. If you get there early, you might get to see me dance...IN PUBLIC!) Can't wait to see you there! :D Below are some pictures of two of our main actors, Emma and Rhett. The other videos wouldn't load! :( Enjoy!                                                                                                                 

                                                  Emma Wilson modeling her 1942 costume!
Rhett Sells (He will portray Eddie) and his "Mullet"! :DD

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Talent Show '11

Now you may think, "What in the world?! Hailee was in a talent show?!" I know, I know its kinda of a new thing for me but I'm enjoying it! :D Now that we got that cleared up lets get down to the bone. Last month WMS had a talent show and I decided to show off my rockin' piano skills (THATS a joke!). So I decided to write an accompaniment for Needtobreathe's "Through Smoke". It took me about 4 weeks of non-stop playing to perfect the piece. Anyway, I went to auditions and set up my keyboard. Then the music started and my hands started shaking like nobody's business. But I made it through it and apparently Mrs. Vernon (Math teacher/ Judge) cried a little. It kinda scared me to tell ya the truth! Anyway, I got in the show and finally it was time to preform. We had a about an hour to kill before showtime so I decided to get comfortable with the stage. I sat down at the Grand and played a little improv. for a while. Then I walked around and sang to myself. Then I started gettin ancy. People started showing up. I went backstage and paced. I kept telling myself, "You kiddin' me? These people aren't gonna listen to you anyway! They like rap and hip-hop! This song is about as far away from rap as you can get." Then they called my name. The lights were hot. And the strange thing was that when I sat down and my hands touched the keys, every single person in that PAC faded away and it was just me and my music. So, Glory Hallejuah, I kept playing and wailing and believe it or not, A WHOLE ROW OF PEOPLE STOOD UP AND CLAPPED ON BEAT!Anyway, afterwards I was still pumped. So, I guess now I know, for sure, what I'm soupposed to do with my life, at least I hope so. I really loved it and enjoyed it so...Thats what I'll do until I can't no more! :D The video down there is my preformance! Enjoy!


                                                                                     -Hailee A.;)