Saturday, March 12, 2011

Regional Science Fair '11

Well, believe it or not, I am in the advanced science class at my school. (I know, shocker, right?!) Anyway, we had to put together a science fair project for 1/3 of our grade this semester. I decided to do mine over the affect of a Stroop Test on reading capabilities. I'm not gonna go into detail because it'll probably bore the crap outta you so I'll just skip over that part! Anyway, about 2 weeks ago we loaded up on a bus and went to the "big city" (Muskogee) for Regionals. On the bus there wasn't much to do so my friend Taylor and I jammed to our iPod's and watched other people make themselves look like idiots! (Which was pretty entertaining to say the least!) When we got there we were all wearing our fancy pants clothes because we were going to be judged that day. I went over to my little station and set up my board then sat down and tried to become familiar with the locals. (A.K.A. One girl and One boy on either side of me) I turned to the boy first and said "Hi, I'm Hailee!" then held out my hand. He just stared at it and turned on his Nintendo DS. With a quiet, "Okay.." I turned to face the girl. I introduced myself and she said, "Hi! Oh my God! So I called my boyfriend last night and we were talking and I told him I loved him. And he didn't say anything back. Is that bad? Did I do anything wrong? What if he hates me now? What if he breaks up with me? Oh my God! I could die!" Now, you've got to know me to understand why I (being a teenager) turned away from the boyfriend drama in the middle of the word "say". But she was persistant, she kept on, and on. And on. Finally, I decided to cut the subtlty, so I pulled out Gone With the Wind and started on it. Surprisingly, I made it through 3 chapters before she finished. Now, I know what your thinking, sittting at Regional Science Fair, waiting to be judged is a complete dream come true! Well.....I souppose it would be if you enjoy excriatingly long waits, incomprehensible homework, and blabbermouth people. Anyway, I FINALLY got judged and then waited for 3 LONG hours until I heard the announcer say the most blessed words known to man, "Students, you are released." I actually jumped up and shouted, "HALLEJUAH!" Then we had to get back on the bus and go to the mall for lunch. Taylor ate at a smoothie place and my mom took me out to Quizno's. I had a WHOLE sub AND chips, BY MYSELF. (Being scientifical really takes it outta me!) After lunch we went back to the bus and headed home. The next morning we got to wear regular clothes! When we got back up to the fair we waited for the judges to finish judging then we got to go to the mall for the whole day! First, we went to the food court for lunch. Taylor had chicken and fries and I had a chicken salad. Then, (this is me acting on a sugar-induced impulse) I decided to go to Great American Cookies and get a Mega Frosted Sugar Cookie. Oh, boy howdy! That sucker WAS worth 6.50! After my sugar coma we decided to go to Claire's. On the way there we saw a kiosk with a BULLET BELT! IT WAS SO COOL! I seriously thought about getting it, but then decided against it due to lack of moolah. Anywho, when we got to Claire's there was a WHOLE WALL of SWEET boots! So, I pulled out my phone to videotape this revalation. Apparently, videotaping is a heathen act nowadays, because the manager told us that videotaping in HER store was NOT acceptable. So to make up for it, I bought some rockin' shades. Then we went to Earthbound and tried on masks, played with crabs, and used a duck caller thingee. After 3 hours of mallness we had to go home. My purchases were, Rockin' Shades, A Mega Frosted Cookie, A Strawberry Pineapple Smoothie, and 5 mini Hand Sanitizers from Bath and Body Works. So, see kids? Being smart can pay off in the form of food, hand sanitizers, and sunglasses! :D
Thanks for reading 'bout my boring self! ;D I shall return! Soon!
                                                            My Science Fair Board...
                                                            On the way outta Wagoner!
                                                             Taylor protesting pictures ;)

                                                            Us with our "Rockin' Shades"

Do the Urkle! ;D

Taylor in her favorite mask!

Me in my favorite mask!

Modeling a Blue Music Mask from Earthbound

Crow Mask

I was trying to be delicate with the glass necklaces!

Neon Nerds!

Newspaper Frame

Bottlecap Frame

Computer Box

My Life Motto

Me as Fonzie

Taylor and I in hats!


This was on a PURSE! How much better does it get?!
                   -Hailee A. ;)