Sunday, February 20, 2011

Shelbo's Birthday

One half of the thriftin' building!

Shelb being Shelb

Shelby to the second power!

BEAUTIFUL sunset on the way home!

The Center of the Universe, Tulsa OK

Old-lookin Railway under the bridge leading to the Center of the Universe

Railway Car

Railway Car 2

Our Rooster Greeter

Route 66

The A-W-E-S-O-M-E cheese and red sauce at Ricardo's

Scrapbook Table

This was a picture in an old picture box! I almost bought the whole box!

SWEET painting! I woulda bought this just for the frame! :D

Cool metal chandelier at Ricardo's

Old books

Old, weird -lookin boots

My (trying to be) artistic shot of a building beside The Center of the Universe

A table full of old junk. My favorite!

ANOTHER table filled with junk! 

An old train under the bridge to The Center of the Universe

Old Train 2

The OTHER half of the thriftin' building

I almost bought this! I got a thing for old pictures! :D

Shelb playin with her new/old transistor

Quaint-lookin' Junk

Well, my friend Shelby had her birthday day yesterday and it was, in the words of The Incredibles, "TOTALLY WICKED!" HA! They picked me up the night before and we went to Mazzio's in Broken Arrow to eat. While we were there, we saw a guy who looked like Alan from "The Hangover"! (Or Sasquatch, which ever you prefer!) Then we went home and FINALLY fell asleep around 3:45 giggling our heads off!! The next morning, after we pulled ourselves together, we started on our journey!  We drove in the car for like...I don't know...awhile until we got to our first thrifting stop, The Salvation Army. We went inside and heard one of our favorites, Rebirthing by Skillet. It seemed a little out of place in the Salvation Army so I figured I'd mention it! :D Anyway, after that (We made zip purchases.) we went to see the Center of the Universe, Tulsa OK!! :D It was SO cool! You could stand on this circle on the ground, say something, and hear an echo. If you walked out of the cicrle, there was no echo! It was VERY coolieo! :D After a few pictures and ducking from pictures, we got hungry so we decided to go to Caz's Chowhouse in downtown Tulsa. But, alas, it was closed! So we made up for it with Ricardo's. It was MUY BUENO! Then we went to the Tulsa State Fairgrounds to thrift shop a little! We walked up to the doors and saw this huge rooster sitting outside the doors! It was the best door-greeter experience I've ever had! ;) When we walked in, I was overwhelmed with all of the old stuff! It was AMAZING! We didn't even make it through 1/4 of the building before they shut down! :( But I only spent $1.00 and got 5 things! I got 4 Kodachromes and 1 Bo Diddley record for my room. But, no doubt, Shelby got the best deal. She bought a lamp that looks like a watering can, a dark wood table with flowers painted on it, an old "Half and Half" tabacco can, an old camera with the little metal circle flash thingee still on it, a old Oklahoma motorcycle license, and, my personal favorite, a 1970's Transistor radio THAT STILL WORKS! On the way out of the Fairgrounds this guy came up to Shelby's dad and asked if we wanted any Pork Rinds. We got 6 bags outta 'em! He had Ranch, Plain, and Cajun. (I had to have a bowl when we got home!) After we were drug out of the Fairgrounds we listened to the Glen Beck show on Shelby's new/old radio all the way to CherryBerry. This was my first time there so I had no clue what to expect but it was S-W-E-E-T! They had all of these little tiny red seats, and the MOST EXTENSIVE set of frozen yogurt I have ever seen in my life! It was SO yummy! I had, let me think here, a Chocolate Mousse, Cheesecake, Strawberry Sensation, Cookies and Cream, Sprinkles, Cookie Bits, Gummy Worms, Dots of Strawberry Goodness, Brownie Bits, and Yogurt Chips mixture. It was the best 'cream I've had EVER. PERIOD. ;D Anyway, we rocked to the Oldies all the way home. When we got back to good 'ol Wag-o-ner I helped Shelborooskie (That nickname is one of my personal favorites!) arrange her new stuff. I gotta say, it looked pretty sweet! Well...thats all I have for now, but don't worry, I'll be back with new adventures! My life isn't THAT tell ya the truth, sometimes I worry...;D

                                                      -Hailee ;)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My First Blizzard

Alright, so the night before last it REALLY came down! I mean.....REALLY! We got freezing rain, sleet, hail, snow, anything you can think of, WE GOT IT! So I, of course, stayed inside because, like a few other people I know and love, I would like to keep my fingers and toes ATTACHED to my body, not amputated from cold. But today, I took a leap of faith and went to Wallie World with my mom. Believe it or not....PEOPLE WERE OUT IN THIS COLDNESS! Not just a few here and there, OH NO, I mean Wal-Mart was P-A-C-K-E-D! But, I did see a HUGE mountain of snow in the parking, of course, I climbed it and took a picture. But now I shall enjoy my clementine and hot chocolate in peace.....